The United States Border Patrol is a movable, armed element of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for guarding American borders between ports of entry. Agents of the Border Patrol guard Americans against terrorists and their weapons, as well as smugglers of drugs and unauthorized foreign nationals.
History of United States Border Patrol
Historically, the US Border Patrol has proudly served the country. The fundamental principles that helped mold the Patrol in its early years—professionalism, honor, honesty, a sense of humanity, and a cooperative effort—have endured despite significant changes that have impacted practically every element of its operations since its inception.
People from all over the world tried unlawful admission because of the numerical restrictions when attempts to enter lawfully failed. As a result, the U.S. Government gave additional importance to the Border Patrol’s mission. The U.S. Border Patrol was created with the passage of the Labor Appropriation Act of 1924 by Congress on May 28, 1924. Its mission was to protect the borders among inspection stations.
The vision of the US Border Patrol is to improve the security of the country via innovation, intelligence, teamwork, and trust. Their mission is to ensure the welfare of the American people, the security of our borders, and the growth of the economy.
Daily Tasks
Coastal waterways between ports of entry and international land borders are the sole focus of Border Patrol agents around-the-clock. They protect the American people against terrorists and their weaponry, drug traffickers, and unauthorized foreigners entering the country.
They truly represent honesty, alertness, and dedication to the country’s basic values of Customs and Border Protection. Their chief assignments or tasks include:
- communicating with and/or giving verbal orders to smugglers and undocumented foreign nationals who know Spanish.
- carrying out line-watch responsibilities, traffic check activities, city patrols, transportation inspections, and other law enforcement responsibilities as assigned.
- responding to remote places’ electronic sensor alarms
- analyzing and tracking the physical traces left by illegal aliens, smugglers, and other criminals
- continuous covert surveillance in order to identify, stop, and capture illegal immigrants, their smugglers, and their sources of drugs
- During nighttime operations, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as infrared scopes
Border Patrol of the present
The U.S. Border Patrol is still working to keep the country’s borders under control. Technology is predicted to advance dramatically in the twenty-first century, which will be useful for border control. As fresh generations of agents find creative methods to incorporate current technology into operations, the Patrol’s modernization progresses at an astounding rate.
The Border Patrol is developing cutting-edge, specialized technology that has the potential to help agents carry out the Patrol’s mission. Coordination with neighboring nations also improves border security and law enforcement initiatives. The U.S. Border Patrol’s future looks to be every bit as thrilling and fascinating as its past, and it will remain committed to living up to the credo that its agents have espoused since 1924.